D Doc covers the patients of the majority of North Dublin Doctors. You can check if your GP is covered by our service on the listing on our home page or click here.
If you are unsure and would like advice or feel you should see one of our GPs please call 0818 22 44 76 or if you have problems with your mobile calling 0818 numbers please try 041 6850720
Charges in D DOC
Charges for a GP consultation in one of our D Doc centres (including for children under 6 Yrs. and under 8’s)
The service is free to medical card holders who produce a valid medical card at the time of the doctor visit.
All other patients are charged private fees. The cost for Telephone consultations and/or face to face health centre GP consultation is €70.00.
If during a telephone consultation the doctor decides that a patient needs to come in to the centre for a face to face consultation the charge for the telephone consultation will also cover the follow up face to face consultation in the centre.
In exceptional cases D Doc provide a home visit service. This is free to medical card holders. The home visit fee for a private patient is €100.00. There is no discount for children or infants.
Children under six with a valid in date GP visit card and children with a new under 8 Yr. valid, in date, GP visit card will not be charged. N.B. The current valid under 6 cards will remain valid until the child reached their 8th birthday.
However, you will need to register for a new under 8s GP visit card if your child turned 6 before 1 July 2023. Please click her for HSE info.
Where two members of the same family are seen at the same visit the second family member will be charged €45.00. If one family member has a medical card and the second person does not, the second person will be charged the full fee.
If a patient visits D Doc more than once with the same symptoms within 7 days of their first D Doc visit, the fee for the second visit will be €45.00. Please note that private fees will be applied to anyone who does not produce a valid medical card at the time of the consultation.
How our service operates:
When you first call D-Doc (0818 22 44 76) a call-taker will take all your details and then a triage nurse will call you back. The triage nurse will discuss the nature of the medical problem and will decide the best course of action for you to take. This might be simple advice from the nurse, a call from the doctor or the arrangement of an appointment to see a doctor in one of our centres. In exceptional cases and based on medical need and other factors a home visit will be arranged.
When you call please have your medical card number ready for the call taker and bring your medical card to the centre for verification by our receptionist.
For centre location details please go to the home page or click on the centre locations in the top navigation.
When you come to one of our centres the receptionist will confirm your arrival to the doctor.
After the consultation a complete record of the consultation will be forwarded to your own GP to be added to your medical record.
- If you are Hearing Impaired person please click here for more information and registration form.
If you would like to check if your medical card is valid please click here or go to: https://www.sspcrs.ie/portal/checker/home.do
Will I be Charged if I attend A & E ? click here for more information.
If you are looking for a copy of the receipts please be aware of charges as follows: no charge for the last 3 months, 20 euro for last one/two years, 30 euro for over two years and one off for prior years (one year only) – 20 euro.
Important notice about your personal information (GDPR)
Our privacy policy is in place to protect patient’s personal information and is in fully compliant with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). Please read our privacy statement here– it is important that you are aware of the type of data we collect when dealing with you and how it is processed and shared with your own GP and relevant health professionals.