Demand for GP Out of Hours peaks early this year.

Demand for GP Out of Hours peaks early this year.

Current demand for the D Doc GP out of hours service has reached peak winter levels in the first weekend of December. This usually happens over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. Dr Mel Bated, Medical Director of D Doc said “Patients should first seek an appointment with thier daytime GP, the D Doc out of hours service is for urgent care, especially for the elderly and the very young at this time of year.

“Patients are advised to consider self-care and first check out the very useful website under the and  , especially with winter illnesses such as coughs, colds, Earaches, flu, Rash, Temperature, sore throats and Tummy upset.

 please consider visiting the excellent advise websites My and  UNDER THE WEATHER  

Northdoc gets top audit marks

“D Doc was best out of 15 co-ops in terms leadership and teamwork”
Irish Medical times Report..
Northdoc, which runs the D Doc out-of-hours (OOH) co-op covering the majority of north Dublin city and county, has outperformed other UK and Irish OOH services in a new audit carried out by the Medical Protection Society (MPS).
MPS found that Northdoc Medical Services was the best out of 15 co-ops stress tested in terms leadership and teamwork, and was in the top quartile for other categories such as communications, resources and training.

Dr Mel Bates – Medical Director – Northdoc

It is understood at least three of the 15 OOH services involved in the voluntary risk audits were Irish co-ops.
MPS said Northdoc had shown “exceptional leadership and unique vision” in clinical oversight of the D Doc service, highlighting the co-op’s ‘SAFE’ (Supported, Appraised, Familiar, Excellence) guidelines for GPs introduced last year.
The indemnifier’s report noted that the clinical notes assessment system implemented and managed by Board members Dr Kate McSweeney and Dr Vivienne Wallace appeared to have had a “positive impact on members, as confirmed by GPs we interviewed during our visit”.
MPS also noted that Northdoc was the first company in Ireland to achieve the International Social Enterprise Mark for its commitment and contribution to the homeless and socially deprived population of north Dublin.. read more