The Covid 19 Vaccine is Here

“COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease which can cause serious illness, hospitalisation and even death.

The COVID-19 vaccine will offer you protection from COVID-19. If you do catch COVID-19 after vaccination, you should be protected from the serious illness the virus can sometimes cause.

The vaccine is not mandatory. But we strongly recommend that you get the vaccine as soon as it is available to you.

People who are most at risk from COVID-19 will get the vaccine first.

The COVID-19 vaccine is free. The vaccines will not be available privately.

Our aim in offering the vaccine to the population is to protect people and reduce the illness and deaths caused by this virus” -.HSE For more information click here

Demand for GP Out of Hours peaks early this year.

Demand for GP Out of Hours peaks early this year.

Current demand for the D Doc GP out of hours service has reached peak winter levels in the first weekend of December. This usually happens over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. Dr Mel Bated, Medical Director of D Doc said “Patients should first seek an appointment with thier daytime GP, the D Doc out of hours service is for urgent care, especially for the elderly and the very young at this time of year.

“Patients are advised to consider self-care and first check out the very useful website under the and  , especially with winter illnesses such as coughs, colds, Earaches, flu, Rash, Temperature, sore throats and Tummy upset.

 please consider visiting the excellent advise websites My and  UNDER THE WEATHER